The Shifty That Most Represents My Daily Mood
I, the creator of all Shiftys, feel most often like this one here, not only first thing in the morning, but throughout the day, late at night, and as I lie sleeplessly in bed, tossing and turning in the glow of the streetlamps through my window, besieged by phantasms and ghouls and frightful fantasies of the violence we humans seem to revel in.
So naturally this one will be a joy to wear!
I, the creator of all Shiftys, feel most often like this one here, not only first thing in the morning, but throughout the day, late at night, and as I lie sleeplessly in bed, tossing and turning in the glow of the streetlamps through my window, besieged by phantasms and ghouls and frightful fantasies of the violence we humans seem to revel in.
So naturally this one will be a joy to wear!
I, the creator of all Shiftys, feel most often like this one here, not only first thing in the morning, but throughout the day, late at night, and as I lie sleeplessly in bed, tossing and turning in the glow of the streetlamps through my window, besieged by phantasms and ghouls and frightful fantasies of the violence we humans seem to revel in.
So naturally this one will be a joy to wear!